
class windpowerlib.wind_farm.WindFarm(wind_turbine_fleet, efficiency=None, name='', **kwargs)[source]

Defines a standard set of wind farm attributes.

  • wind_turbine_fleet (pandas.DataFrame or list(WindTurbineGroup)) –

    The wind turbine fleet specifies the turbine types in the wind farm and their corresponding number or total installed capacity. There are different options to provide the wind turbine fleet (see also examples below):

    • pandas.DataFrame - DataFrame must have columns ‘wind_turbine’ containing a WindTurbine object and either ‘number_of_turbines’ (number of wind turbines of the same turbine type in the wind farm, can be a float) or ‘total_capacity’ (installed capacity of wind turbines of the same turbine type in the wind farm).
    • list(WindTurbineGroup) - A WindTurbineGroup can be created from a WindTurbine using the to_group() method.
    • list(dict) - It is still possible to use a list of dictionaries (see example) but we recommend to use one of the other options above.
  • efficiency (float or pandas.DataFrame or None (optional)) – Efficiency of the wind farm. Provide as either constant (float) or power efficiency curve (pd.DataFrame) containing ‘wind_speed’ and ‘efficiency’ columns with wind speeds in m/s and the corresponding dimensionless wind farm efficiency. Default: None.
  • name (str (optional)) – Can be used as an identifier of the wind farm. Default: ‘’.

Wind turbines of wind farm. DataFrame must have ‘wind_turbine’ (contains a WindTurbine object) and ‘number_of_turbines’ (number of wind turbines of the same turbine type in the wind farm) as columns.


Efficiency of the wind farm. Either constant (float) power efficiency curve (pd.DataFrame) containing ‘wind_speed’ and ‘efficiency’ columns with wind speeds in m/s and the corresponding dimensionless wind farm efficiency. Default: None.

Type:float or pandas.DataFrame or None

If set this is used as an identifier of the wind farm.


The calculated mean hub height of the wind farm. See mean_hub_height() for more information.


The calculated power curve of the wind farm. See assign_power_curve() for more information.

Type:pandas.DataFrame or None


>>> from windpowerlib import wind_farm
>>> from windpowerlib import WindTurbine
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> enerconE126 = {
...    'hub_height': 135,
...    'rotor_diameter': 127,
...    'turbine_type': 'E-126/4200'}
>>> e126 = WindTurbine(**enerconE126)
>>> vestasV90 = {
...     'hub_height': 90,
...     'turbine_type': 'V90/2000',
...     'nominal_power': 2e6}
>>> v90 = WindTurbine(**vestasV90)
>>> # turbine fleet as DataFrame
>>> wind_turbine_fleet = pd.DataFrame(
...     {'wind_turbine': [e126, v90],
...      'number_of_turbines': [6, None],
...      'total_capacity': [None, 3 * 2e6]})
>>> example_farm = wind_farm.WindFarm(wind_turbine_fleet, name='my_farm')
>>> print(example_farm.nominal_power)
>>> # turbine fleet as a list of WindTurbineGroup objects using the
>>> # 'to_group' method.
>>> wind_turbine_fleet = [e126.to_group(6),
...                       v90.to_group(total_capacity=3 * 2e6)]
>>> example_farm = wind_farm.WindFarm(wind_turbine_fleet, name='my_farm')
>>> print(example_farm.nominal_power)
>>> # turbine fleet as list of dictionaries (not recommended)
>>> example_farm_data = {
...    'name': 'my_farm',
...    'wind_turbine_fleet': [{'wind_turbine': e126,
...                            'number_of_turbines': 6},
...                           {'wind_turbine': v90,
...                            'total_capacity': 3 * 2e6}]}
>>> example_farm = wind_farm.WindFarm(**example_farm_data)
>>> print(example_farm.nominal_power)
__init__(wind_turbine_fleet, efficiency=None, name='', **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(wind_turbine_fleet[, efficiency, name]) Initialize self.
assign_power_curve([wake_losses_model, …]) Calculates the power curve of a wind farm.
check_and_complete_wind_turbine_fleet() Function to check wind turbine fleet user input.
mean_hub_height() Calculates the mean hub height of the wind farm.


nominal_power The nominal power is the sum of the nominal power of all turbines.