
class windpowerlib.wind_farm.WindFarm(name, wind_turbine_fleet, coordinates=None, efficiency=None)[source]

Defines a standard set of wind farm attributes.

  • name (string) – Name of the wind farm.
  • wind_turbine_fleet (list of dictionaries) – Wind turbines of wind farm. Dictionaries must have ‘wind_turbine’ (contains a WindTurbine object) and ‘number_of_turbines’ (number of wind turbines of the same turbine type in the wind farm) as keys.
  • coordinates (list or None) – List of coordinates [lat, lon] of location for loading data. Default: None.
  • efficiency (float or pd.DataFrame) – Efficiency of the wind farm. Either constant (float) power efficiency curve (pd.DataFrame) containing ‘wind_speed’ and ‘efficiency’ columns/keys with wind speeds in m/s and the corresponding dimensionless wind farm efficiency. Default: None.

string – Name of the wind farm.


list of dictionaries – Wind turbines of wind farm. Dictionaries must have ‘wind_turbine’ (contains a WindTurbine object) and ‘number_of_turbines’ (number of wind turbines of the same turbine type in the wind farm) as keys.


list or None – List of coordinates [lat, lon] of location for loading data. Default: None.


float or pd.DataFrame – Efficiency of the wind farm. Either constant (float) power efficiency curve (pd.DataFrame) containing ‘wind_speed’ and ‘efficiency’ columns/keys with wind speeds in m/s and the corresponding dimensionless wind farm efficiency. Default: None.


float – The calculated mean hub height of the wind farm.


float – The calculated installed power of the wind farm.


pandas.DataFrame or None – The calculated power curve of the wind farm.


pandas.Series – The calculated power output of the wind farm.


>>> from windpowerlib import wind_farm
>>> from windpowerlib import wind_turbine
>>> enerconE126 = {
...    'hub_height': 135,
...    'rotor_diameter': 127,
...    'name': 'E-126/4200',
...    'fetch_curve': 'power_curve',
...    'data_source': 'oedb'}
>>> e126 = wind_turbine.WindTurbine(**enerconE126)
>>> example_farm_data = {
...    'name': 'example_farm',
...    'wind_turbine_fleet': [{'wind_turbine': e126,
...                            'number_of_turbines': 6}]}
>>> example_farm = wind_farm.WindFarm(**example_farm_data)
>>> example_farm.installed_power = example_farm.get_installed_power()
>>> print(example_farm.installed_power)
__init__(name, wind_turbine_fleet, coordinates=None, efficiency=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(name, wind_turbine_fleet[, …]) Initialize self.
assign_power_curve([wake_losses_model, …]) Calculates the power curve of a wind farm.
get_installed_power() Calculates the installed power of the wind farm.
mean_hub_height() Calculates the mean hub height of the wind farm.