Source code for windpowerlib.density

The ``density`` module contains functions to calculate the density and
temperature at hub height of a wind turbine.

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SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

[docs] def barometric(pressure, pressure_height, hub_height, temperature_hub_height): r""" Calculates the density of air at hub height using the barometric height equation. This function is carried out when the parameter `density_model` of an instance of the :class:`~.modelchain.ModelChain` class is 'barometric'. Parameters ---------- pressure : :pandas:`pandas.Series<series>` or numpy.array Air pressure in Pa. pressure_height : float Height in m for which the parameter `pressure` applies. hub_height : float Hub height of wind turbine in m. temperature_hub_height : :pandas:`pandas.Series<series>` or numpy.array Air temperature at hub height in K. Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.Series<series>` or numpy.array Density of air at hub height in kg/m³. Returns a pandas.Series if one of the input parameters is a pandas.Series. Notes ----- The following equation is used [1]_ [2]_ : .. math:: \rho_{hub}=\left(p/100-\left(h_{hub}-h_{p,data}\right) \cdot\frac{1}{8}\right)\cdot \frac{\rho_0 T_0\cdot 100}{p_0 T_{hub}} with: T: temperature [K], h: height [m], :math:`\rho`: density [kg/m³], p: pressure [Pa] :math:`h_{p,data}` is the height of the measurement or model data for pressure, :math:`p_0` the ambient air pressure, :math:`\rho_0` the ambient density of air, :math:`T_0` the ambient temperature and :math:`T_{hub}` the temperature at hub height :math:`h_{hub}`. Assumptions: * Pressure gradient of -1/8 hPa/m References ---------- .. [1] Hau, E.: "Windkraftanlagen - Grundlagen, Technik, Einsatz, Wirtschaftlichkeit". 4. Auflage, Springer-Verlag, 2008, p. 560 .. [2] Deutscher Wetterdienst: """ return ( (pressure / 100 - (hub_height - pressure_height) * 1 / 8) * 1.225 * 288.15 * 100 / (101330 * temperature_hub_height) )
[docs] def ideal_gas(pressure, pressure_height, hub_height, temperature_hub_height): r""" Calculates the density of air at hub height using the ideal gas equation. This function is carried out when the parameter `density_model` of an instance of the :class:`~.modelchain.ModelChain` class is 'ideal_gas'. Parameters ---------- pressure : :pandas:`pandas.Series<series>` or numpy.array Air pressure in Pa. pressure_height : float Height in m for which the parameter `pressure` applies. hub_height : float Hub height of wind turbine in m. temperature_hub_height : :pandas:`pandas.Series<series>` or numpy.array Air temperature at hub height in K. Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.Series<series>` or numpy.array Density of air at hub height in kg/m³. Returns a pandas.Series if one of the input parameters is a pandas.Series. Notes ----- The following equations are used [1]_ [2]_ [3]_: .. math:: \rho_{hub}=p_{hub}/ (R_s T_{hub}) and [4]_: .. math:: p_{hub}=\left(p/100-\left(h_{hub}-h_{p,data}\right)\cdot \frac{1}{8}\right)\cdot 100 with: T: temperature [K], :math:`\rho`: density [kg/m³], p: pressure [Pa] :math:`h_{p,data}` is the height of the measurement or model data for pressure, :math:`R_s` is the specific gas constant of dry air (287.058 J/(kg*K)) and :math:`p_{hub}` is the pressure at hub height :math:`h_{hub}`. References ---------- .. [1] Ahrendts J., Kabelac S.: "Das Ingenieurwissen - Technische Thermodynamik". 34. Auflage, Springer-Verlag, 2014, p. 23 .. [2] Biank, M.: "Methodology, Implementation and Validation of a Variable Scale Simulation Model for Windpower based on the Georeferenced Installation Register of Germany". Master's Thesis at RLI, 2014, p. 57 .. [3] Knorr, K.: "Modellierung von raum-zeitlichen Eigenschaften der Windenergieeinspeisung für wetterdatenbasierte Windleistungssimulationen". Universität Kassel, Diss., 2016, p. 97 .. [4] Deutscher Wetterdienst: """ return ( (pressure / 100 - (hub_height - pressure_height) * 1 / 8) * 100 / (287.058 * temperature_hub_height) )